Van repair for bottom of petrol tank & spare wheel cover (2 pieces)

£37.26 inc VAT

405102 Van repair for bottom for bottom of spare wheel and petrol tank cover (two pieces)

Price varies depending on 2CVGB membership:
Full price: £37.26
2CVGB Member price: £29.81

See 405103 if you require a pair.

All prices inc VAT and post and packing

Usually it’s only the bottom few cms of these panels which corrode. Decision time … either buy new panels or repair the existing ones. SPOG is here to help with the latter. The back plate is joggled to fit under the edge of lowest ripple, the corroded area being cut away. The top hat section (purchaser makes curved endings as so desired) completes the external appearance before any necessary security structures/holes are returned.

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