2CVGB - How to join

Membership fees with Hard Copy Magazine:

Annual UK Membership: £34.00 (increasing to £42 on 1st April 2025)
Annual EU Membership*: £80.00 (increasing to £100 on 1st April 2025)
Annual Worldwide Membership*: £100.00 (increasing to £125 on 1st April 2025)

* EU and Worldwide membership fees reflect the added costs of posting the monthly magazine.

Membership fees with Online Magazine:

EU Membership: £34.00 (increasing to £42 on 1st April 2025)

Worldwide Membership: £34.00 (increasing to £42 on 1st April 2025)

Membership includes:

  • Membership for up to TWO adults, and any number of children in your family under the age of 18
  • Members’ Welcome Pack (including 2CVGB sticker and membership card)
  • Access to the bespoke club vehicle insurance scheme
  • 12 months’ subscription to 2CVGB News, our monthly 68-page, full colour magazine
  • Discounted admission charges for 2CVGB events
  • 35% member’s discount on all SPOG parts
  • FREE vehicle valuations for agreed value insurance purposes, by one of the Club’s two DVLA-authorised valuers

Renewing your Membership by Direct Debit (UK only):
We will send you a Direct Debit mandate form with your membership renewal reminder letter when your subscription is due to expire, which you can return to us if you want to renew your membership automatically in future years.


  1. Our Membership Secretary is an unpaid volunteer and sometimes life, holidays or illness can get in the way! We will process your application as quickly as possible – usually within a week or two – but sometimes it may take a bit longer. Please allow up to three weeks to receive your 2CVGB Welcome Pack.
    Upon processing your application, you’ll receive an email with details on how to log in to our forum. You’ll be allocated a username and be able to manually set up your password. This should all happen within a day or two of applying to join. Please email webmaster@2cvgb.com if you have any problems.

Email Colette Clapham-Dickenson, our Membership Secretary: memsec@2cvgb.com

Option 1: Payment by Credit or Debit Card

You can join online now, and pay with your choice of Credit or Debit Card:

Option 2: Payment by Cheque or Direct Debit

You can pay by Cheque or Direct Debit if you have a UK bank account.

1.  Download the Membership Application form here and print a copy:

2. Download the Direct Debit form here and print a copy:

button downloadForm

3. Send your completed application form with a Cheque (drawn against a UK bank account) made payable to 2CVGB Ltd, or the completed Direct Debit Mandate to the Membership Secretary at the address below:

2CVGB Membership Secretary
64 Brimstage Road
CH60 1XG
United Kingdom

Help our Membership Secretary and consider paying by Direct Debit

