2CVGB - News Magazine

‘2CVGB News’ is our 68-page monthly magazine, a subscription to which is included with your membership fee. It’s packed with features submitted by our members, technical discussions, news, local and international events information, A-Series model-specific musings and specialist trade advertisements.
Browse a sample of our magazine here >>
A word from the editor…
“2CVGB News is our monthly magazine. We try to entertain, with stories about owners whose 2CVs have taken them on travels, as well as educate, with articles about the history of all the different models, plus technical articles to help owners keep their cars running.
I’ve been driving A-series Citroëns for more than 40 years, often as my main mode of transport. I’d like to encourage others to use theirs in the same way. They work much better and are much more reliable when driven frequently, as well as being a huge amount of fun!” – James Duffell
Classified Advertising
Members can place FREE classified ads for vehicles or spares for sale/wanted in the magazine.
Non-members are welcome to place ads for the above at a fee of £10.00 per insert.
Please contact Dot Moran, our Advertising Co-Ordinator advertising@2cvgb.co.uk for full details.
Trade Advertising
For trade advertising opportunities within the 2CVGB News magazine and website, please download our advertising rate sheet (PDF).
Please contact Dot Moran, our Advertising Co-Ordinator advertising@2cvgb.co.uk if you have any questions, or if you wish to place an advert.
Delivery Date
If you are a member please allow until 12th of the month for your magazine to come through your letterbox. If it hasn’t arrived by 12th please email memsec@2cvgb.co.uk