2CVGB - Committee

All the people who serve on the committee do so as volunteers. None of them are paid for the work they do and all work from home in their spare time, most arounf full time jobs. Please therefore, be considerate when contacting them and with the demands you make on their time. They are happy to help but may not always be able to do so immediately

Chair: Vanessa Harrison: chair@2cvgb.co.uk

Vanessa has been riding around in 2CVs since the age of 3, thanks to her mum’s passion for la deuche. Some members may remember Vanessa has organised several 2CVGB Nationals in Oxford, and helped the Club in the past as its Compliance officer. However, this time she’s back on the committee wearing a different hat. She was elected Chair in 2021.

Secretary: Position Vacant: secretary@2cvgb.co.uk

Treasurer: John Thompson: treasurer@2cvgb.co.uk

Having recently taken early retirement from my role as a full time bean counter, I realised shortly after that I was suffering from withdrawal symptoms, so managed to get myself elected as the 2CVGB Treasurer in October 2023. My involvement in the world of 2CVs is recent and stems from my desire to understand how a classic car actually works, rather than having to know about the software integral to the functioning of modern cars. I also love driving them, as well as the look and the shape; basically, the whole experience. I am currently the proud owner of a Beachcomber, she seems happiest when I’m driving along the South Coast, it’s almost as if she’s telling me she misses France and I need to get her on a ferry soon for some (more) continental driving…

Membership Secretary: Colette Clapham-Dickenson: memsec@2cvgb.co.uk

Colette started her love affair with “CVs/Dyanes back in the very early 80s when she received her very first Dyane as a present to learn to drive in and happily passed her test in it. A second Dyane followed then it was a move over to 2CVs from then on. Fast forward to present day and she’s now up to her 6th 2CV and cannot imagine life without one.
She initially only attended an AGM back in 2018 as a rep for her local club, the Cheshire Dragons, and after listening to the Chair talk about how the club belongs to us all but very few people come forward to help with the running of it, she decided to volunteer for the job of Memsec as it seemed easy – what more could there be besides filling in a little spreadsheet every now and again??? She says -“how wrong was I ha ha!!!! I know why on my way out of the AGM I was given some very pitying glances from other members”. But after a number of years and lots of changes, she still loves the role and the contact it brings with the club.

Magazine editor: James Duffell: editor@2cvgb.co.uk

Having been taught to drive by his father in a Dyane in 1978, James didn’t really stand a chance. Since 1982, he has always owned at least one A-series Citroën and sometimes several. Some of them have been 2CVs, but his main love is Dyanes and vans. Over the last forty years they’ve taken him to more than 20 European countries – his most recent trip in his 1976 AK250 took went through almost a dozen countries as far afield as Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina. He was also one of the organisers of the 2CV World Meeting in Scotland in 2005. A work background in PR and journalism led him to taking up the editorial typewriter in 2022.

Advertising: Dot Moran: advertising@2cvgb.co.uk

In 1985, Dot bought her first 2cv (an E reg blue Special) due to childhood memories of them in France. Eight years later she added her  LHD 007 to the garage. She found it for sale in Gourock, due to a strange set of circumstances, and fell in love with its originality. It also cost exactly the same as she had in her savings account at the time. The next purchase was completely unexpected, as she found a 425cc 1955 AZ for sale in the street, near Ponterson market in France in 1999. She drove it home to Scotland, which took her many, many hours from Portsmouth docks. The next vehicle to be added to her collection was given to her as a prize, when she won a driving test challenge on Channel 4’s ‘Driven’ hosted by Jason Plato and Mike Brewer. Years later it was converted into a fibreglass tub 2cv van that now has a rather quirky quilted interior. Her most recent purchase was a bright red Falcon SS. It was purchased in 2013, after the test drive made her smile so much.

Web Manager: Dave Crane: webmaster@2cvgb.co.uk

Dave is relatively new to the 2CV scene. having owned a variety of weird and wonderful vehicles over the years (including a Stimson Scorcher!!) a pub lunch with an long lost friend and impending retirement meant that the decision was made to buy a 2CV. In December 2022, Dave’s wife bought Maud, a 2CV 6 Special and 5 months later Dave bought Claude, a Ville van conversion. Not content with rhyming names, they are both Celeste Blue and now have consecutive number plates!!! In at the deep end, their first year of ownership has seen them attend the National, Registers Weekend and also the World Meeting in Switzerland. Dave was previously involved with websites in his working life so volunteered for the vacant post and took over the management of the website in November 2023

Compliance/ health and safety: Nigel Herring:compliance@2cvgb.co.uk

Local Groups Co-ordinator: Liz Rogers: localgroups@2cvgb.co.uk

I have been a member of the club for more than 40 years. I joined as a young widow with a small child and an orange 2CV Club. My social life seemed severely curtailed as a single parent but this all changed dramatically when I got a membership form popped under my windscreen wiper; a friend agreed to baby sit and I went to Craven District 2CV Club in Skipton. I discovered a warm and friendly group who encouraged me to get a tent and join lively weekends away. Through the club I met Jim Rogers with his AK van and we began a journey of organising camps, making road trips and involvement in National meetings which continues today. Proud Northener, mother of 3 boys, one of which, Alan Rogers continues to fly the flag for 2CVGB. We go to most world meetings and lots of National meetings. We mostly drive our red Special (bought for Alan to learn to drive) which we have owned for 15 years and proudly taken all over Europe. Like many other 2CV owners we have multiple vehicles.

Equipment Officer: Mark Dunmore: equipment@2cvgb.co.uk

Registrars Liaison: Mark Dunmore: registrars@2cvgb.co.uk

Mark is in charge of all the equipment that the club stores in Ruskington. Should you have a request/enquiry about borrowing anything specific the club owns, please contact Mark direct. Mark also liaises with all the Registrars of the club vehicle registers.

Communications officer: Chris Farnham: comms@2cvgb.co.uk

Chris decided to buy a classic vehicle on a wet day during harvest 2015. Being a farmer, a Land Rover Defender was a bit too obvious (and unreliable) and so began his love affair with 2cvs. After all, if a 2cv was designed to be maintained by a French peasant farmer, then an English peasant farmer should be able to as well. (Should it move? Yes – use a hammer. Should it move? No – apply gaffe tape)

Since then, he’s owned two cars and two vans, and currently has a Ville van called Adeline (from the number plate) and a Charleston called Jacques (because he was tatty!).

Chris is an active member of his local group in Norfolk, the Broadland Ducks, and attends 2cv events throughout the UK and Europe

DVLA Liaison Officer: Sean Sowley: liaisonofficer@2cvgb.co.uk

Back in the early nineties I bought my first Dyane and the rest as they say is history. Numerous A series followed and continue to do so, there have been many Dyanes, a few 2CVs and vans and a number of interesting variants, a Dyane beach buggy, an El Cid, a Sidewinder Dyane Pick Up, a GSA powered Falcon and a Namco Pony which it was a pleasure to see again at the 2024 National

Club Shop: Jean Sowley: shop@2cvgb.co.uk

In January 1994 I went along to the TROY Beach BBQ with friends. My first encounter with the car and the club, 9 weeks later I was the proud owner of a Plums and Custard 2CV and a future husband. 30 years later…

NEC Shows coordinator: Carl Baker: necshows@2cvgb.co.uk

Carl has had 2cvs in the family since 1984, and had a red special for his 18th birthday.

He now owns a 2cv from the film Deadman’s Shoes and channel 4 Shameless.

Carl helped to organize the 2cvgb National in 2018

National Meeting Co-ordinator 2025 : Gary Dicks: national@2cvgb.co.uk

SPOG (Spare Parts OrGanisation): VACANT: spog@2cvgbparts.co.uk

We have found a home for some of the SPOG parts. This now enables us to continue to take orders and we apologise for any inconvenience this down time has caused. This is purely for the fulfilment of orders and NOT for technical advice. The role of the SPOG coordinator is a conversation that the committee is having currently, and we will update as soon as possible.

Non-committee Roles

Overseas Co-ordinator: Mark Lewis overseas@2cvgb.com

Mark is 2CVGB’s ‘foreign ambassador’ and pioneering 4×4 2CVer. He has forged great links with other national 2CV clubs worldwide, and is full of information about what’s happening on the 2CV scene overseas. If you are an organiser of a non-UK 2CV event, please tell Mark about it so he can publicise it to our members.

Archivist: Tony Stacey: archive@2cvgb.com

Members’ Handbook: Liz Rogers: handbook@2cvgb.com